Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Reward Yo'self with Fitness

This week I tapped into some health apps that pay folks to meet their health/fitness goals. Here are the apps I came across that I feel are worth a looking into:

1. Sweat Coin App - Listed as number 1 because it seems to have the absolute most potential. Am I paid to say this? Heck naw...but I've seen companies that are ahead in tech or finance and once they go public, their stock or values increase at such a rate, that those who jumped aboard early on, reap big benefits. Examples: Youtubers, Bitcoin, Walmart, Facebook..etc etc. Sweat Coin is an app that pays folks to walk and has established itself quite quickly. The key feature I like about this is there are different levels of walkers : Mall walkers, Stay at Home Mom Walkers… Jussssst kidding. There are subscriptions that vary by cost via Sweat Coins. They are Mover, Shaker, Quaker, Breaker & the latest one in the works, Trouble Maker. 'Hello. I'm a Trouble Maker.' (Excited about this feature!) Soon the company plans on launching into its own crypto currency. Once it does, those app members who stored up those Sweat Coins and spent them will regret it. The coolest feature about this app is that it is international. When I am traveling (and walking outdoors the most), this app is constant. Many apps are restricted by location but this one seems to know no boundaries!
How health/fitness co- relate to crypto investing...not quite sure. But, I'm jumping on this one entirely because it is absolutely 0 loss for me. In fact it is a win-win. I get healthier and richer over time. 
Downloads : 5 million+
Sign up : Quick Registration 
Google Store App Rating :  Stars ★★★ (3.7)
Workout Options : Counts Outdoor Steps
Sign up link : Sweat Coin

2. Fit Coin App - Fit Coin and Sweat Coin are so similar in comparison. Both share that same goal of health and fitness tracking plus the crypto currency (again with fitness and crypto), but Fit Coin although having a much more appealing name requires a fitness tracking device to track the users workouts while Sweat Coin is simple and tracks steps without all the extra gadgets or tracking outside of normal walking. Fit Coin is also only avail for IOS devices. Fit Coin would be for those into intermediate and advanced workouts who already are into the Fitbit while Sweat Coin I would highly suggest for those just jumping off the sofa or folks like me who are too busy in startup businesses to be able to do a standard workout or visit the gym. 
Another fitness/investment app for those of you with fitness trackers. This is a more challenging crypto earning app for the more disciplined when it comes to workouts. 
Downloads : Unsure
Sign up : Quick Registration via iTunes
Google Store App Rating :  Stars ★★ (2.8)
Workout Options : Unsure (Proud Android user)

3. Diet Bet App - Diet Bet seems to have all the bragging rights. Stats from the company reveal that 90% of members who use it end up losing weight. I would hope so. This app is another self- goal setting app and has paid out an upwards price of over $6 million. This app has the highest earning potential so it is no wonder folks 'use it to lose it'. 
Downloads : 100k+
Signup : Facebook or Create a detailed account via email, name & password
Google Store App Rating :  Stars ★★★★ (4.5)
Workout Options : User sets weight goals with weigh-ins & photos
*Keeps your last name and weight private if logged in via FB
*Must be 18 to join

4Charity Miles App - For those of you who want to spread the love while getting fit, this one is all yours. You simply walk and donate them loving miles to charities such as, Wounded Warriors, ASPCA, Save the Children, Alzheimer's Association, Autism Speaks, Special Olympics, + 35 others. Not quite sure how much of the actual money is passed on to these noble causes. That will require more research but this app if definitely for the selfless type who are willing to walk to help others.Downloads : 500k+
Signup : Facebook & Email options
Google Store App Rating :  ★★★★ (4.2)  
Workout Options : Indoor/Outdoor Walking & Running, Biking